Comment 26 for bug 792896

Revision history for this message
Yuv (yuv) wrote :

This is a repeat of information that I posted to hugin-ptx. Here on the tracker is the right place to contribute/discuss this bug.

This bug is most likely caused by a memory leak and the most difficult part of fixing a memory leak is to identify where it happens.

Here is a strategy and a plan. We will need to pull this together if we want to succeed.

1) Strategy

In a nutshell: identify the range of revisions that are likely to contain the error and narrow it down with a binary tree search. Split the revision range in two, build and test the version in the middle. If the error is present, we know it is in the earlier revisions range. Else in the later. Take the identified narrower revision range and repeat the process. There is a high likelyhood that after about eight repetitions the source of the error is identified.

In detail:

Today, we are at revision 5435. It is most likely that the bug was introduced after 2010.4 was released. Revision 4780 is 2010.4 final.

So the error is most likely between 4780 and 5435. That would be 656 different versions of Hugin, but it is much less than that: many of these changesets are not on the default branch.

2) The plan

List the relevant changesets on the default branch:

hg log -b default -r4780:tip --template 'r: {rev}\n' > revlist.txt

That's 448 changesets to examine.

Start from the middle, i.e. the 224th changeset in that list. build that version and try to trigger the error. If the bug is there, it is likely to be in the newer half of the list. If not, in the older half. Rebuild the list, now 224 entries long, and cut it in half again. Repeat.

With such a binary strategy, we should zero in on the bug in a maximum of eight iterations.

224, 112, 56, 28, 14, 7, 4, 2, 1

I can produce eight such tarball releases in about 16 hours (takes about two hours per tarball). However I can not move forward until I get feedback on a tarball to tell me whether the subsequent tarball to build is in the earlier or later half.

I need your help.

Help from builders to turn the tarballs into binaries for their respective platforms so that tester, especially those who have been particularly "lucky" at triggering the bug, can take those binaries on a test drive and provide feedback as to whether they can trigger the bug or not.

Please build binaries and make them available. Instructions at [1].

I am available to the project for another six weeks, after wich I won't have time. That's less than one tarball per week. The process of releasing a tarball is not that difficult and well documented [2]. So are the processes to build binaries for the different platforms [1]. This means that others, (*you*?) could step in. We can only move as fast on this process as the feedback that we get.

I have produced the first tarball [3]. I will produce the next one (from the earlier half or the later half) as soon as there are enough test results to make a reasonable guess regarding the bug's presence. If we oil this mechanism fast enough, we can get it done in a few weeks.

These are the steps I did, in case somebody wants to step in my shoes. This would be helpful for the continuation of the process after September 5 if necessary.

cd hugin.default
hg pull && hg up
hg up -r 5057
hg identify -b -n -i

cd ..
mkdir hugin-tarball
cd hugin-tarball
make package_source

mv hugin-2011.1.0.tar.bz2 hugin-2011.1.0.5057.tar.bz2

tar xvfj hugin-2011.1.0.5057.tar.bz2
mkdir hugin-tarball-build
cd hugin-tarball-build
make package
sudo dpkg -i hugin-2011.1.0-Linux.deb

cd ..
rsync --partial --progress -e ssh hugin-2011.1.0.5057.tar.bz2 yuv,<email address hidden>:/home/frs/project/h/hu/hugin/hugin/pesky-bug/

The tarball is available for download at [3] now.

Please let everybody know where your binaries are available for download / testing.

Together we can do it.

