Comment 6 for bug 709361

Revision history for this message
Nick (nrichards) wrote :

So, to restate the problem, the issue is with MAKE parsing @echo lines having ('s, for me:

info :
 @echo ===========================================================================
 @echo *************** Panorama makefile generated by Hugin ***************
 @echo ===========================================================================
 @echo System information
 @echo ===========================================================================
 @echo Operating System: Windows XP (5.1 Service Pack 3)
 @echo Architecture: x86
 @echo Number of logical processors: 4
 @echo Physical memory: 3406828 kiB (76%% occupied)
 @echo Free space on disc: 126007 MiB
 @echo Active codepage: 1252 (Western European Windows)
 @echo ===========================================================================
 @echo Output options
 @echo ===========================================================================
 @echo Hugin Version: 2010.4.0.854952d82c8f built by Matthew Petroff

If I rerun the make command by hand (I intercepted it with a "make.bat" that outputs the input args) and modify the TMP makefile to delete the @echo commands, I can complete the Panorama gen. I do run into an error @ "clean" but that's minor compared to not being able to gen the pano.

... (minor error seen after removing the @echo's) ...
Remove temporary files
del "2011-04-12 10.06.37-2011-04-12 10.070000.tif" "2011-04-12 10.06.37-2011-04-12 10.070001.tif" "2011-04-12 10.06.37-2011-04-12 10.070002.tif"
/usr/bin/sh: del: command not found
make: [clean] Error 127 (ignored)

Still looking for an alternative or flag to MAKE I can pass which'll accept illegal characters on the @echo. It'd be better to munge the @echo line, however, to escape all the illegals. Simple quoting may run into an un-quoting input arg which'd break the make command, again.