Comment 3 for bug 1750398

Revision history for this message
trougnouf (trougnouf) wrote :

I was able to replicate the bug I had originally with another set of files (though I'm not sure I should upload another 400MB here?), in this case no file is written (no debug file either).

$ align_image_stack -m -a OUTexr -p errorfile DSCF3716.exr DSCF3717.exr
/build/hugin/src/hugin-2018.0.0/src/hugin_base/panodata/SrcPanoImage.cpp 346 Error opening file
/build/hugin/src/hugin-2018.0.0/src/hugin_base/panodata/SrcPanoImage.cpp 346 Error opening file
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'vigra::PreconditionViolation'
Precondition violation!
correlateImageFFT(): kernel larger than image.

Aborted (core dumped)