Comment 8 for bug 1267806

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Andrew Travneff (travneff) wrote :

Bruno, you are just right. Thank you.
I've started to check other viewers but then realized that there is much better way:

Fine: convert -size 32500x200 xc: +noise Random noise.png && viewnior noise.png
Broken: convert -size 32800x200 xc: +noise Random noise.png && viewnior noise.png

It's not 100% clear for me why some SW is OK, but Hugin is obviously unrelated to the example above.
Also not sure why I caught it just now. I got a new camera recently, but it has the same 16 MP.
I'll leave more description here just in case.

* Windows 7 x64:
** IE11, Paint, built-in viewer: OK
** FF26: fail. Same problem with Linux ("image cannot be displayed ...")
** Qupzilla: fail. Recognizes image size but shows the blank page.

* Fedora 20 x64:
** Feh, Kolourpaint: OK
** Viewnior: fail (stripes at right)
** Qupzilla: fail. Stripes over all the image. Picture becames visible just while window resizing.
** Gwenview: fail with image fit to window (just cropped the extra part), OK with zoom.
** Okular: fail. Stripes over all the image.

Feh, Kolourpaint and Viewnior are linked with the same, the problem seems more common. TIFF isn't tested much, but seems similar.

Summarizing, I would add some notification about possible issues to Hugin if some resulting dimension exceeds 32768 px.