Comment 2 for bug 694454

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El Senator (elsenator) wrote :

I'm not sure I understand the question, but I am referring to the calibration of the ink cartridges which is found in the HP printer GUI. When using the hpijs driver i can click a "calibrate" button which then prints a sheet of paper with calibration lines on them. I then have to choose the best instance of each line and fill them in in the drowndown boxes in the GUI. This should ensure that the ink cartridges are aligned correctly so the black and color cartridges print correctly.

When using the hpijs driver this calibration sheet prints just fine, but when I am done with calibration, my printer won't print anything else no matter what software I try to print from. When printing something, the HP info box appears telling me that a print job has been started and then, a few seconds later, a new info bos appears telleing me that the print job has completed successfully, but nothing prints on the printer.

I tried the same thing with the hpcups driver, which seems to work, but this driver won't allow me to calibrate the ink cartridges, so it prints shadows when it uses both the black + color cartridges.

I hope this cleared it up a bit. I will gladly give you any information you need regarding debugging this problem. I might be a bit slow with answering when it comes to giving you output of log files and such, as the printer in question isn't mine, but is placed at a friends house, whos computer I administrate. Thanks.