Comment 2 for bug 1893979

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Matteo Barison (matteobarison) wrote :

the distro is piCore TinyCore Linux v.11.0 (it is the latest stable release) on hardware RaspBerry Pi Zero W.
Kernel Linux version is 4.19.81 (the output of uname -r is 4.19.81-piCore).
The final application will be a very small print server, low energy consumption, connected to local wifi network, with a HP P1005 USB laser printer directly connected to the RaspBerry Pi Zero W.
I placed the binary inside a directory /home/tc. I ran sh and also sudo sh, but the output in both cases is the same:

Creating directory hplip-3.20.6
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncomressing HPLIP 3.20.6 Self Extracting Archive.........
.......................................................... eval: line 1: ./hplip-install: not found

The file hplip-install is obviously there, inside the directory /home/tc/hplip-3.20.6. I have access to it and I can read its content as bash script.
The filesystem is plenty of space. Python2.7 is installed along with the package python-psutil.

I hope you will give some advice. Thanks.