Comment 8 for bug 1810745

Revision history for this message
Norbert (nrbrtx) wrote : Re: HPLIP hp-systray tray icon does not show dropdown menu in MATE Panel on 18.04 LTS, 18.10 and 19.04

As I have already wrote on AskUbuntu ( ):

To fix the menu display we need to launch hplip with help of DBus (as in [DropBox case]( by creating and editing this file:

    killall hp-systray
    rm ~/.hplip/hp-systray.lock
    mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart/
    cp /etc/xdg/autostart/hplip-systray.desktop ~/.config/autostart/
    sed -i "s/hp-systray -x/dbus-launch hp-systray -x/" ~/.config/autostart/hplip-systray.desktop

and then reboot and enjoy