Comment 12 for bug 162196

Revision history for this message
Johannes Meixner (jsmeix) wrote :

It doesn't work at least for me using HPLIP 2.8.2 from
on openSUSE 10.3 with CUPS 1.3.5 from

When I start as user with en_GB.iso885915 locale
the hp-toolbox,
I get a "No Installed HP Devices Found" error popup
and /var/log/cups/error_log (with LogLevel debug) shows

CUPS-Get-Printers client-error-bad-request:
Unsupported character set "iso-8859-15"!

But hp-toolbox works well when I run it with the command

The solution is that hp-toolbox must use only UTF-8
when it talks to the cupsd because UTF-8 (which includes
7bit-ASCII) is the only character set which is supported
by CUPS 1.3 (see the mails on <email address hidden>).

I.e. the application must convert any non-7bit-ASCII
string to UTF-8 before it is sent to the cupsd.