Comment 4 for bug 1426110

Revision history for this message
goutam (goutamkk) wrote :

Hi Peter,

To install hplip you may have to install few depend packages.

Please run the following command in the terminal to install the dependent packages.

su -c "apt-get install cups libcups2 libcups2-dev cups-bsd cups-client libcupsimage2 libcupsimage2-dev libdbus-1-dev g++ ghostscript ghostscript-cups ghostscript-x libssl-dev libjpeg8-dev libsnmp-dev libc6 libtool libusb-1.0.0-dev make wget python-imaging policykit-1 policykit-1-gnome python-qt4 python-qt4-dbus python-dbus python-gobject python-dev python-notify python sane libsane-dev "

Next, enter into hplip-3.15.2 source directory and run following commands.

1 ./configure --prefix=/usr
2. make
3. su -c "make install"

It should be able configure and compile now.

Let us know on the same.
