Comment 1 for bug 1861926

Revision history for this message
Akihiro Motoki (amotoki) wrote :

I have a couple of questions.

- In which panels does this issue happen? There are two types of implementations of panels in horizon, so I would like to know panels where it happens. It would be nice if examples cover both AngularJS and Django-based panels.
- Is it specific to UUID token? UUID token support was removed in Rocky release, so horizon train is not tested apparently with UUID token. In case of fernet token, we have a known topic reported in bug 1861224.
- Does it happen in Horizon Pike? If it happens only in horizon train, commit ab0e96df9506fb6f1783e0ee79b63934dabe0cbe might affect it.
- Does it happen in train deployments? I would like to clarify this happens when pike deployments with horizon train.

As my hat of the upstream development team, it is not easy to reproduce this as we need to prepare Pike environments with horizon train. If it is specific to UUID token with horizon train or it is specific to combination of pike deployment and train horizon, it would be a case where a deployer needs to take a risk and identify what happens.