Comment 1 for bug 1009893

Revision history for this message
Marcelo Dieder (mdieder) wrote :

I have the same problem.

root@cloud01:~#nova list
| ID | Name | Status | Networks |
| 8f18f6c2-7ec8-4fb3-b1f8-4fe98300e997 | unisinos_vm01 | SUSPENDED | vmnet= |

root@cloud01:~# nova delete unisinos_vm01
ERROR: Cannot 'delete' while instance is in vm_state suspended (HTTP 409)

but I restart the services (compute, api, rabbit) and not working.

I delete manually all (instance files, volume lvm and entries in mysql database):

mysql> delete from block_device_mapping where id="1";
mysql> delete from security_group_instance_association where instance_id="4";
mysql> delete from iscsi_targets where volume_id=6;
mysql> delete from volumes where id='6';
mysql> delete from instance_info_caches where instance_id="8f18f6c2-7ec8-4fb3-b1f8-4fe98300e997";
mysql> delete from instances where uuid="8f18f6c2-7ec8-4fb3-b1f8-4fe98300e997";

rm /var/lib/nova/instances/instance-00000004/ -rf

/etc/init.d/iscsitarget stop
lvremove /dev/nova-volumes/volume-00000006
/etc/init.d/iscsitarget start