Comment 6 for bug 661166

Revision history for this message
Simon (simschi) wrote : Re: wish : Android Client

Ok, I just looked around on the market. Seems as there is already some piece of code going into our direction. A basic one is cash2qif. We could ask the developers if they want to work together with us. If not we still could look at their code. They have a simple UI and QIF export and email functions. It was easy to import that data to homebank for me. And it seems as some others use it to feed gnucash.

Ok, what we would really need is an option to export a settings-file or something from homebank to the mobile. That way you would have your accounts and categories configured on the mobile app.
Or did you want to have a complete copy of the database on your mobile? Would make no sense because of bad performance and security issues. But a two-way sync would be great.

Let me draw a usage-scenario:
1. Install HomeBankMobile app on your droid.
2. Export a settings-file (xml, cvs, whatever) on some way from HomeBank on your PC
3. Transfer it to your droid. (Dropbox, UbuntuOne, SDcard, Email whatever)
4. Import the file on the phone. Now you have all your accounts, budget, up-to-date balance. (But not the past transactions!)
5. Collect transactions on your droid on the go.
5. Export the QIF file from HomeBankMobile
6. Transfer it back → see 3.)
7. Import it into HomeBank on the PC.
8. Beginn at → 1.)

Lots of steps, eh? We need to do it as easy as possible to make it usable.
But if we don't have the two-way sync, one would have to type a lot on the mobile and it's no fun to type a lot after every cent you spent. ;-)

Did I forget anything?