Comment 4 for bug 1719184

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Adrien Dorsaz (adorsaz) wrote :

Ok, while I was making this proof of concept, I've thought about such a screen with editing capability.

I've not currently implemented editing functions, but that's clearly feasible with the Gtk tooling, I just need to take a little more time to do the bridge between Category class and the GtkTreeView/Model.

Does a budget editor using this table view as a base has some interest for you ?

To do that, I just need to add two columns one to decide if the amount budgeted is fixed for all month and one to set input in the fixed mode.

Although the GtkTreeView will be really big horizontally, because of the 16 columns and vertically too, because I'll have to show all categories and not just the ones with a budget setted.

Let me know if you want I continue to work on this, thanks !