Comment 3 for bug 753084

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Andrew Garner (muzazzi) wrote :

That test is just verifying that holland's disk_free (pure python) method matches what we might expect from 'df' output - basically "how much available space is on this path?" This works with bytes so it's trying to coax df to give available bytes for some filesystem path and compare it to how holland is performing it (via os.statvfs). I think the holland method is portable to OS X, but obviously the test is not.

On Fedora14 (my main development platform), this is probably broken due to say, an LVM root volume or something where the output is shifted down by one line. This was a quick and dirty test that I haven't got around to making more robust. There are likely a other issues with some of the (portable, pure python) functions that try to ensure those methods match various shell command output (as a sanity check). Be sure to send a pull request if you come up with any good fixes.