Comment 25 for bug 1086075

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Keith Hughitt (keith-hughitt) wrote :

Strange. Helioviewer must be attempting to create the directory in the wrong location...

Just to be sure though, can you try creating a test.php script somewhere in your web server with a simple command to create a directory in the cache, e.g.

mkdir("/var/www/cache/movies/2013/03/05/6222Z/test", 0777, true);

And open it in the web browser. Then check and see if the directory is there (if not, try checking the Apache/PHP error logs to verify that it failed).

If that works, then we Helioviewer is definitely pointing to the wrong location so we need to figure out what is going on.

As a first step, try editing HelioviewerCompositeImage.php and right before the problematic line (436), try adding a print statement to print out $this->_dir.