Comment 0 for bug 1588130

Revision history for this message
Wenzhi Yu (yuywz) wrote :

heatclient: 1.2.0
heat: master on 67e6f20967c67daae93d92096195fd2701af6e17

1. I created a magnum bay with following cmds:
magnum baymodel-create --name k8sbaymodel --image-id fedora-atomic-latest --keypair-id default --external-network-id public --dns-nameserver --flavor-id m1.small --docker-volume-size 5 --network-driver flannel --coe kubernetes

magnum bay-create --name fail_bay --baymodel k8sbaymodel --node-count 3

2. The bay creation failed and I tried to do list the failing resources of the bay:
If I don't speficy the 'nested-depth' option the cmd works fine:
heat resource-list fail_bay -f status=FAILED

But if 'nested-depth' option was specified, the filters would not work and all of the resources are returned:
heat resource-list fail_bay -n 2 -f status=FAILED

Only the failed resources of stack 'failbay' will be returned
All resources of stack 'failbay' returned.

For the details of heat command output please see[1], heat logs are attached.
