Comment 0 for bug 1534242

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Guy Paz (guy-paz) wrote : Check stack remove output params value for Template Resource

We are seeing some bad behavior of Heat Stack Check->Update .
If user do Check Stack he will lost all Outputs params for Resource Type (Template Resource)

For example (Hot Templates attached) , we have Resource B that get some param from Resource A and I m doing Check Stack and then Update Stack – Resource B need to get the param from Resource A and now this param is null/empty,
So stack update will use empty value or even fail !

I able to create very simple Heat Template that reproduce this problem.
Resource B getting the IP from resource A and create a VM with this name.

To reproduce:
Create the stack
Remove VM B (that has name IP from A)
Check stack (at this point you will see that output from A is empty)
Update stack

You will see that B will not get the IP/Name from A like it did when we deploy the stack.