Comment 0 for bug 1520270

Revision history for this message
Peter Razumovsky (prazumovsky) wrote :

I want private VolumeType resource with specified projects to access. I use next template:

heat_template_version: 2015-10-15

    type: OS::Cinder::VolumeType
      name: name
      is_public: False
        - admin
        - demo

VolumeType fails during creating with next error: AttributeError: 'KeystoneClientV3' object has no attribute 'get_project_id'

2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource Traceback (most recent call last):
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource File "/opt/stack/heat/heat/engine/", line 633, in _action_recorder
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource yield
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource File "/opt/stack/heat/heat/engine/", line 703, in _do_action
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource yield self.action_handler_task(action, args=handler_args)
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource File "/opt/stack/heat/heat/engine/", line 295, in wrapper
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource step = next(subtask)
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource File "/opt/stack/heat/heat/engine/", line 674, in action_handler_task
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource handler_data = handler(*args)
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource File "/opt/stack/heat/heat/engine/resources/openstack/cinder/", line 99, in handle_create
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource self._add_projects_access([self.PROJECTS])
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource File "/opt/stack/heat/heat/engine/resources/openstack/cinder/", line 83, in _add_projects_access
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource project_id = self.keystone().get_project_id(project)
2015-11-26 17:53:05.602 TRACE heat.engine.resource AttributeError: 'KeystoneClientV3' object has no attribute 'get_project_id'