Comment 4 for bug 1328342

Revision history for this message
Rabi Mishra (rabi) wrote :

Probably this is not related to the issue mentioned in the original bug.

It times out after a long time with the following error "HTTPUnauthorized: ERROR: Authentication failed. Please try again with option --include-password or export HEAT_INCLUDE_PASSWORD=1".

Interesting thing is it works without any issues with 'create-stack' and fails with 'update-stack'. I tried with both signal_transport HEAT_SIGNAL and CFN_SIGNAL

I'll investigate further.

[stack@devstack-rabi devstack]$ heat stack-list
| id | stack_name | stack_status | creation_time |
| 92227c20-856e-4a75-9cb6-29787587c17f | test_stack | UPDATE_FAILED | 2014-06-14T14:04:06Z |

[stack@devstack-rabi devstack]$ heat resource-list test_stack
| resource_name | resource_type | resource_status | updated_time |
| test-demo | OS::Nova::Server | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-06-14T14:04:06Z |
| test-demo-FloatingIP | OS::Neutron::FloatingIP | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-06-14T14:04:06Z |
| test-demo-FloatingIpAssoc | OS::Neutron::FloatingIPAssociation | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-06-14T14:04:06Z |
| test-demo-port | OS::Neutron::Port | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-06-14T14:04:06Z |
| test-demo-test_heat_sw | OS::Heat::SoftwareConfig | CREATE_COMPLETE | 2014-06-14T14:05:15Z |
| test-demo-test_heat_sw_deployment | OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment | CREATE_FAILED | 2014-06-14T14:05:17Z |

[stack@devstack-rabi devstack]$ heat resource-show test-demo-test_heat_sw_deployment
usage: heat resource-show <NAME or ID> <RESOURCE>
heat resource-show: error: too few arguments
[stack@devstack-rabi devstack]$ heat resource-show test_stack test-demo-test_heat_sw_deployment
| Property | Value |
| description | |
| links | |
| | |
| logical_resource_id | test-demo-test_heat_sw_deployment |
| physical_resource_id | 6cc83874-7e13-416d-ab62-e86a806f439f |
| required_by | |
| resource_name | test-demo-test_heat_sw_deployment |
| resource_status | CREATE_FAILED |
| resource_status_reason | HTTPUnauthorized: ERROR: Authentication failed. Please try again with option --include-password or export HEAT_INCLUDE_PASSWORD=1 |
| | Authentication required |
| resource_type | OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment |
| updated_time | 2014-06-14T14:05:17Z |