Comment 10 for bug 227732

Revision history for this message
John Lenz (lenz) wrote :

Just to keep this bug updated, gnucash 2.2.6 was released today with aqbanking 3.0 support.
I compiled it on hardy and it works... I didn't use a package, instead used checkinstall

1) apt-get install libofx-dev libaqbanking20-dev
2) download gnucash 2.2.6
3) tar xvxf gnucash...
4) ./configure --enable-aqbanking --enable-ofx
5) make
6) sudo checkinstall
8) mv ~/.banking ~/oldbanking
9) mv ~/.aqbanking ~/oldaqbanking
10) start gnucash and recreate users and accounts

and everything works with the following problems:

downloading the account list caused aqbanking to fail with

3:2008/07/31 21-12-30:gwen(30862):io_tls.c: 1142: gnutls_handshake: -9 (A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.) [fatal]
3:2008/07/31 21-12-30:(null)(30862):provider.c: 665: Error exchanging getAccounts-request (-66)
3:2008/07/31 21-12-30:qt3_wizard(30862):cfgtabpageuserofx.cpp: 283: Error requesting account list

google gave a bunch of different problems/solutions, but the one that worked for me was

# sudo dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates
and remove some of the certs. I left and all the mozilla certs, disabled everything else.

Hopefully a debian package appears, maybe in the PPA