Comment 10 for bug 247015

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Connel Hooley (connelhooley) wrote :

No - on Facebook if I click on the "what is on your mind" box and start writing a status update pressing "@" displays a list of my contacts when I type. A bit like visual studio's intelisense :) Then once I have posted this Facebook status update that persons name in my status update becomes a link to their page and it also appears on their wall so they get notified.

E.g. "I really hate @joe bloggs"

This would post a status update just like any other but would also get sent to Joe's wall. Clicking on Joe Bloggs in the update takes you to his profile.

I've never used twitter but I think tagging someone in a Facebook update is different to what your trying to do in twitter. Do I need to create a fresh bug report for this? Or have I misunderstood! lol