Comment 28 for bug 316862

Revision history for this message
M Angeles (neysa-angeles) wrote :

Not sure if relevant, but some timing information:

I installed 9.04 on my netbook about a month ago (July 2009) and I was able to browse and read files from shares and Windows drives on my home network which includes XP and Vista machines. I last tested it (ability to browse Windows files) to work about 10 days ago (July 28 or so). Today (Aug 8), I tried to look for the Windows drives from the netbook and now this bug now affects my netbook. I can see the windows PC names, but received the error "Unable to mount location. Failed to retrieve share list from server". Strangely, I was able to browse 1 PC (on XP) and not another (on Vista) when I had been able to browse both previously.

Reinstall of 9.04 on Aug. 8 using the latest 9.04 download resulted in more consistent behaviour in that I now receive the same said error message regardless of the XP or Vista pc I am trying to browse. I did successfully connect to both xp and Vista pc's using the smb://<ip.address> workaround as noted in this bug id.

Am an Ubuntu noob so apologies if post is unclear.