Comment 6 for bug 907676

Revision history for this message
Izidor MatuĊĦov (izidor) wrote :

I made a simple benchmark if this bug is still critical now (rev 1181).

Start GTG, delete 50 random tasks and close GTG

You can automate it by adding following code at the end of __init__() method in GTG/gtk/browser/

    def test_case(self):
        for tid in self.activetree.get_all_nodes()[:50]:
            if self.req.has_task(tid):

Current time to complete the test case: 23 seconds
Time to complete the test case without savexml at all: 12 seconds (I need 10 seconds to start my tasks)

Deleting 50 tasks results in 73 times savexml. As you know, the work with a disk is very slow.

This bug is still critical.