Comment 4 for bug 906516

Revision history for this message
Wolter HV (wolterh) wrote :

Thanks for your revision, I will try to address your points the best I can.

1) Well I have specified yellow to be used when the start date has passed, and 2011-01-31 was at the beginning of this year. The color yellow, in other words, indicates that you should be working on the task. If you specify such a long period between your start date and the due date, it must be because you really need to work on the task a lot of time. Have I missed the point?

2) I would say the feature is rather "quite unused", it is not useless. In fact, is one of the features I like the most about GTG. Being remembered to start a task a prudent time before it is due can be very helpful in completing it punctually. It is a good idea to assume a start date for tasks with such attribute unspecified, I guess 2 weeks will do just fine. Note that by "assuming" a start date I don't mean to actually set a start date for a task, but calculate the colors as if so.
However, I also want you to understand why I ignored tasks without a start date. Personally, when a task is not very important, or can be done quickly, I don't assign a start date. I don't need it to be colored, because of its lesser importance and ease of completion. Therefore, I think this should be customizable.

3) It is a matter of personal taste, I know I could use all 16+ M colors and I wouldn't have to pay one cent - but I think 3 is a nice number. I know a gradient would be nice too, so I think it should be a decision of the user whether to use 3 colors or a gradient. This could be done with ease. If I understood correctly, you suggest a 2 week anticipation period for tasks without a start date in order to start coloring the task?

In conclusion, I think that to satisfy a wider span of users, the things you suggested as much as the initial behavior I planned should be a matter of choice.