Comment 5 for bug 514926

Revision history for this message
Izidor MatuĊĦov (izidor) wrote :

Hi Antonio,

we think we should go with the custom timer and gobject.timeout_add(). Emit a signal at every 30th and 60th minute of the hour, i.e. 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, etc... Everybody who needs to be refreshed, can connect to the signal.

You can start working on this now. There are no officially selected bugs for 0.3.1. We need to bug triaging, reevaluate bugs (if they are already fixed, if they are still relevant and if we want to fix them). Nevertheless, if you fix a bug which is targeted at the later version and we accept the patch, the bug will be target to the current development version :)

Have fun coding this feature!