Comment 53 for bug 945987

Revision history for this message
Doug McMahon (mc3man) wrote :

Re-opening RB or should I file a new one ?

In 12.10 you all are now providing a rhythmbox.gep & 2 presets that are incompatible.
The effect of this is both mp3 & ogg encoding are unavailable & a "Install additional software required to use this format" box appears.
Clicking it will be to no avail., when a preset is wrong the box appears & will not go away until the preset or .gep is corrected.

The 2 .prs's supplied have this as the name - (in /usr/share/gstreamer-0.10/presets

The rhythmbox.gep has this -
preset = rhythmbox-custom-settings

So they need to be the same, pick one or the other