Comment 3 for bug 325299

Revision history for this message
Uli Fouquet (uli-gnufix) wrote :

Hm, we're talking about two steps here. Please let me recall, how the whole thing came up.

First we had some complaints on the list, that the generated config files in etc/ were not usable in shared SVN environments. A valid criticism from my point of view. The problem were the hardcoded paths in zope.conf and zdaemon.conf. I don't know a way to avoid these, if we want the built scripts to be runnable from any other directory.

The 'pure' paster parts (deploy.ini, debug.ini) have no such problem as they have the '%(here)s' variable (handy thing!). As far as I can see also modern Zope 3 and Plone buildouts always contain absolute paths.

So I introduced a recipe that generates the configuration files from templates and thus makes generated projects better shareable between different developers via SVN.

I hope we all agree, that this step makes sense.

Please note also, that you get additional configuration power by letting the config files be generated: you can refer to other recipes, their variables etc. which might become handy, although we currently don't use this feature.

Then - step two - Brandon Rhodes stepped up and complained about the - then generated - config files. They should be put into the parts/ directory he said, as this would be the expected place for buildout generated files. Maybe this is 'odd' maybe just buildout-like. Or both.

I see that this contradicts with expectations of paster-used users, that expect the config files to be in the 'root' or 'etc/', but we can only perform one 'usual behaviour' here by default: paster-like *or* buildout-like. (I might also add, that there was enough time to bring this point on the mailing list before the last release)

Anyway it is not difficult to change the setup so that the files are generated for example in etc/ again or even in the project root: just change the paths in the local buildout.cfg to point to etc/<filename>.conf and rerun buildout. If this is wanted by the majority of users, we could also make it the default in grokproject and ignore Brandons statements.