Comment 9 for bug 886411

Revision history for this message
Francois Mikus (fmikus) wrote :

To have a scattergraph type information I will reiterate the suggestion from above :

 Forward decaying priority sampling.
Example code here, git://, can also be found in codahale/metrics.
More representative method of rollup than the typical RRD: (min, max, avg) and now Graphite (min,max,avg).

Straight-Line-Interpolative aggregation is also a good way to be faithful to a time-series within +/- max_deviation of the actual value in rollup.

These are methods that can be done on time-series prior to sending to graphite or by graphite itself.

This of course does nothing for the alignment/averaging problem when displaying or doing math on different length series. But it does help in keeping the rolled-up data more accurate! Which eases the pain of mixing accurate and rolled up data.

Nice example Nicholas.