Comment 4 for bug 591948

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chrismd (chrismd) wrote :

I take it back, I can confirm the bug in trunk. The x-axis configuration is determined by the ratio of number of pixels to number of datapoints. My graphs were too wide originally and didn't force enough aggregation to hit the bug, the problem is this block of code in, setupXAxis, around line 677.

    if self.xConf['labelUnit'] >= DAY: #JIRA SOS-80
      if daylight:
        self.utcAdjustment = altzone
        self.utcAdjustment = timezone
      self.utcAdjustment = 0

If you comment out this entire block and replace it with "self.utcAdjustment = 0" then the problem appears to go away. The thing is, I remember adding this code many years ago for a reason... it was before Graphite was open sourced so it is not on the launchpad bug tracker and I no longer have access to the bug tracker where the history resides. From what I remember the problem was essentially what you have described, except that it only occurred when this code was *not* present, and now we seem to have the opposite situation.

So, work around for now is to comment this out, but I'd like to get a better understanding of what the correct approach is and why before closing out this bug. Good catch.