Comment 0 for bug 646719

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Ara Pulido (ara) wrote : Create an application to easily automated gesture tests

Once that utouch-evemu is working, we can now used it to integrate fully automated tests.

To do so, we need a tool, like grail-gesture, that captures the events, and produces an output easy to test.

Some requirements:

1. The application must accept the /dev/input/eventX file as parameters
2. It should capture all the events made and they should not be passed to Unity
3. The output it produces should contain as little clutter as possible and with text strings that are easy to match with a test oracle file.

Example of output:

Gesture: 2 Fingers Pinch
Gesture: 3 Fingers Pinch
Gesture: 1 Finger Rotate

If it is possible also to match combined gestures, that would be also great.


Gesture: 2 Fingers Pinch
Combined Gesture: 3 Fingers Tap + 2 Fingers