Comment 5 for bug 1155035

Revision history for this message
p54c (p54c) wrote :

if you delete the folder in ~/.config/calendar-indicator for a re-authorization the terminal shows

~$ /usr/bin/python3 /opt/
Refresh Authorization
Refresh Authorization
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/", line 206, in on_switch1_changed
AttributeError: 'Preferences' object has no attribute 'liststore'
Refresh Authorization
Refresh Authorization
Refresh Authorization
{'Authorization': 'OAuth xxxsarasaxxx'}
<Response [200]>
{'Authorization': 'OAuth xxxsarasaxxx'}
<Response [200]>
{'Authorization': 'OAuth xxxsarasaxxx'}
<Response [200]>
{'Authorization': 'OAuth xxxsarasaxxx'}
<Response [200]>
{'Authorization': 'OAuth xxxsarasaxxx'}
<Response [200]>
{'Authorization': 'OAuth xxxsarasaxxx'}
<Response [200]>
{'Authorization': 'OAuth xxxsarasaxxx'}
<Response [404]>

Not allways ends with a crash
A veces termina con un cuelgue y otras simplemente no mostrando nada.
Ubuntu 13.10