Comment 1 for bug 531959

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Guillaume Mazoyer (respawneral) wrote :

Hello Nico,

It's actually not a GNOME Split bug. When you use this:

mkdir ~/.recently-used.xbel

You are creating a directory right? But ".recently-used.xbel" *must* be a file (not a directory).
Also, if you use :

touch ~/.recently-used.xbel

The file will be empty and GNOME Split will crash too.

To avoid this, you can just remove the file :

rm ~/.recently-used.xbel*

And then GNOME Split will start. As I already said, it is not a GNOME Split bug. But, it can be a java-gnome bug or even a glib / gtk bug (but I don't think so). So, I will report it as a java-gnome bug and will see how will it go.