Comment 58 for bug 1292398

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Björn B (bjorn-c) wrote :

My setup is three monitors, one 24" 1920x1080, one 27" 2560x1440 and one 17" 1024x1280 (rotated).
Because my biggest screen is the primary and the others are on each side (according to the description above), when the settings are lost the rotated screen gets "unrotated" and the alignment is 27, 17, 24 instead, leaving me with a middle monitor rotated the wrong way and a very frustrated wife... :*( ;)

The bug seems to be based in gnome-shell, as it's like marco said, as soon as gnome-shell is restarted the monitor settings are forgotten. Restarting the daemon works, but to make it work even when restarting the shell it has to be triggered by the process gnome-shell rather than the service gnome-session, i believe.

For me, it doesn't work to get the settings loaded before or at the login page. Tried all of the above and executing xrandr at differenct rc levels, gdm levels, etc. I'm not sure what initiates the default settings for all users, which would be the logical options to load at the loginpage and whenever a new user login.

There are alot of workarounds to load the correct settings after user login, the best by far is the one HaraldK, Thomas W. and Yogu came up with together. To sum it up a bit, because it's all mixed up right now:

Edit this file: /usr/share/upstart/sessions/gnome-settings-daemon.conf

The file should look like this:

description "The Gnome Settings Daemon"
author "Stéphane Graber <email address hidden>"

start on started dbus and starting gnome-session INSTANCE=GNOME
stop on stopping gnome-session

  sleep 2
  exec /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon
end script

As Thomas W. said, the sleep timing should be changed to whatever works for you.
I've tried to

This bug should change status to medium at least.

I hope you guys find a resolution for this soon!