Comment 135 for bug 128803

Revision history for this message
C Anthony Risinger (extofme) wrote :

i since ditched feisty and went back to messing with gutsy. gutsy is in all a very good developmental release and i hope to see splendiferous things from hardy.

this time however i installed xubuntu.

i enabled compiz/emerald/NetworkManager, and have not had any of the problems described herein. i have read about a bug with compiz that kills the (gnome?)panels as i described above--i still think this may be an underlying issue for many. on my specific machine, i can tell that all applets/panels are loading, but i just cant see ANYTHING until they are all completely loaded. modified bootcharts confirm this. i have read that others compiling the most recent versions of compiz do not encounter this either.

i installed gnome over the top of xubuntu and still the problem persists. i may compile compiz from git and see if that takes care of it, not worried about upgrading to hardy, i always do a clean install.
