Comment 129 for bug 128803

Revision history for this message
pepito (iorga1) wrote :


I was wrong:

gnome was not 15 secs, but 35 secs as many of you.
I updated the config, removed an env variable that was dodgy and also edited /usr/bin/compiz-start and removed in it the gconf option as it was telling me this was already set up.
Then I added to my gnome session this /usr/bin/compiz-start and removed all other emerald/ compiz things from the Session menu.
Logged out
Login in 2 secs!!!!!

So the problem is in gconf I dare say... try to have a look
it seems that it is loaded twice?

Another thing I can t sort out:
a ps -ux tells me i m running the gtk-window-decorator --replace
i don t want this one to be used, but my emerald theme.

From a terminal, if i type emerald --replace, everything is just fine, perfect, as I want it to be.
But I can t add this in the Session Menu: it just not works, as if it were not there.
Any idea?

Many thanks! Hope I have helped somehow!