Comment 3 for bug 116564

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Brice Terzaghi (terzag) wrote :

I tried the following :
1. create a directory in my home / create a root dummy file in it / move it to the trash and empty the trash.
It worked without problem.

2. same thing but chowning the file to "nobody" (tried to change group too but the "nobody" group doesn't exist ; I don't remember what was the group of the Drupal folder that triggered the problem).
Again, it worked, trash was emptied.

3. same thing but chmodding the file to 000.
Again, trash was emptied with no problem.

I'm not able to reproduce the original problem (I'll try to reinstall Drupal when I have a bit more time). Anyway, is it normal that I can remove a file that I don't own if it's in a folder I own, just by putting it into the trash ? or maybe the file is moved in its owner's trash and not really deleted ?