Comment 47 for bug 748850

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John Rose (johnaaronrose) wrote :

I'm using Precise 64 bit with Firefox 23.0. I've also tried the nightly build of firefox-trunk (version 26.0a1) but the bug wasn't fixed in that. I'm baffled by how the status of this bug against Global Menubar Extension is 'Fix committed' when that addon seems now to have been withdrawn for Ubuntu.

I've reported this bug as bug 913556 against Firefox in Bugzilla. Judging by the number of bugs in Firefox which are not allocated, I wonder if it will ever be fixed!

Re David Marzal's suggestion of using the addon bug582139: I've installed it & restarted Firefox, clicked View>Toolbars>Customise but I don't see any Bookmarks icon with an arrow by it in the popup containing icons. Nor do I see it anywhere else. If I use the standard Bookmarks icon, I still get the same incorrect behaviour.