Comment 0 for bug 1885570

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zhaoleilc (zhaoleilc) wrote :

 When we deploy glance storage backend for cinder, there are some options which can
 be set: service/backends.html#glance-cinder

 However, there is not an option which is indicative of availability zone.

 When we create an image, a volume is built. We can choose a specific volume type by
 cinder_volume_type so that the built volume complies with the specific volume type.

 When there is only a availability zone, the built volume is in this availability
 and belongs to the specific volume type.
 When there are multiple availability zones, the built volume is in the default
 zone, and in that case cinder will report an error which is "No valid backend was
 found" if
 the specific volume type does not correspond the volume backend which belogs to the
 availability zone.

 Steps to reproduce
 1. Deploy glance storage backend for cinder and set the cinder_volume_type to
 2. Create the volume type whose name is cinder_volume_type and which does not
 complies with
    the default availability zone.
 3. Upload a image to glance, but cinder will report an error which is "No valid
 backend was found".
 Expected result
 When we choose a specific volume type by setting cinder_volume_type, the specific
 volume type should
 allow to belong any availability zone.

 Actual result
 When we choose a specific volume type by setting cinder_volume_type, the specific
 volume type can only
 belong the default availability zone.
 Rocky version of OpenStack