Comment 27 for bug 1813147

Revision history for this message
Matt Riedemann (mriedem) wrote :

Another giant traceback in functional test logs:

That dumps a ton of traceback from:

b'oslo_db.exception.DBNonExistentTable: (sqlite3.OperationalError) no such table: instances

Since there is some sort of reschedule happening in that test, I'm assuming it's coming from:

{2} nova.tests.functional.regressions.test_bug_1784353.TestRescheduleWithVolumesAttached.test_reschedule_with_volume_attached [] ... inprogress

Which was the first test after that traceback. I'm not sure what the 'no such table' is about, maybe the test is tearing down the DB before the actual service code is done running?

It also doesn't help that we're logging all of the os-traits contents at INFO each time:

b"2019-02-13 13:33:37,217 INFO [placement.objects.resource_provider] Synced traits from os_traits into API DB: {'HW_GPU_RESOLUTION_W7680H4320', 'HW_CPU_X86_SGX', 'HW_GPU_MAX_DISPLAY_HEADS_2', 'COMPUTE_VOLUME_ATTACH', 'HW_GPU_RESOLUTION_W800H600', 'HW_NIC_ACCEL_RSA', 'HW_CPU_X86_BMI', '