Comment 26 for bug 1625402

Revision history for this message
Jeremy Stanley (fungi) wrote :

To a great extent this is determined by how fixable it is. If there are patches proposed which can non-disruptively mitigate this behavior in all supported stable branches of Glance, and if the Glance core reviewers and stable branch managers agree on the approach, the VMT may issue a security advisory. If not, something like this generally gets documented with a security note instead.

The bug for OSSA 2016-012 was being tracked primarily as a risk in Nova with functions that were not (nor intended to be) limited strictly to admins, but when similar behavior was found duplicated in Cinder and Glance the patches for Nova were ported to them for completeness and they were included in the advisory.

As to the Hemanth's choice of high/critical importance on the Glance bugtasks he added, I can only assume he was using them to indicate how soon he intended to push the patches through. I don't generally expect those to reflect the severity of a bug, but rather represent personal workflow. Different developer teams have different policies for their task tracking metadata however, so I won't presume to speak for Hemanth or the Glance team in this regard.