Comment 4 for bug 1545732

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Travis Tripp (travis-tripp) wrote :

So, the policy controls allow setting it so only admins can do these kind of operations, but in *briefly* looking at the code, I think there is a mistake in the fact that the policy enforcer rules are also not taking into account ownership and protected status.

I think we might need to do something slightly different than glance handling of the protected field for images. I think ultimately, I think we'd want to get to a model where non admins can add / remove tags and properties to namespaces that are both public and not-protected as long as the policy allows it. But admin of project owning a namespace should always be able to modify a namespaces properties and tags.

So maybe, all the objects, properties, and tags rules have something like (not tested - so kind of pseudo:

"admin_required": "role:admin or is_admin:1",
"owner": "project_id:%(owner)s",
"admin_or_owner": "rule:admin_required or rule:owner",
"public": "%(visibility)s:public",
"owner": "project_id:%(project_id)s",
"not_protected": "%(protected)s:False",
"admin_and_owner_and_not_protected": "rule:admin_required and rule:owner and rule:not_protected",
"owner_or_public_and_not_protected": "(rule:owner or rule:public) and rule:not_protected",
"owner_or_public":"rule:owner or rule:public",

    "delete_metadef_namespace": "rule:admin_and_owner_and_not_protected",

    "get_metadef_object": "rule:owner_or_public",
    "get_metadef_objects": "rule:owner_or_public",
    "modify_metadef_object": "rule:owner_or_public_and_not_protected",




So, I think it would make sense for the default for creating and changing namespaces to be restricted to admins. However, I'm hesitant to lock down the ability to add properties and particularly tags. I'd rather see that if a namespace is protected that properties and tags can not be added to it. However if it is not protected, then it could be modified.

Sending this now for more discussion.