Comment 1 for bug 1926604

Revision history for this message
Bryce Harrington (bryce) wrote :

Just looking cursorily at this I notice a comment:

    # We only update the status of the request if the worker is telling us
    # about the request we have recorded as having given it. It's possible that
    # the worker is reporting work from an old identity and we've already moved
    # on from that, so in that case we just ignore the worker's work and rely
    # on the cleanup done later using service_state.clear_ipc_worker() to get
    # back to a good state.
    package, level, reckoning_time = service_state.lookup_ipc_worker(

Might it be possible that this is in fact the documented situation where the worker is reporting on old stuff (or returning after a timeout)? Might be why it ends with a "no transaction is active" result.