Comment 4 for bug 1687059

Revision history for this message
Nish Aravamudan (nacc) wrote :

Rough outline of commands that I think work:

1) get orig tarball(s) locally
  [ depends on pristine-tar branch for full functionality ]
2) git archive -o /tmp/<tarball> --prefix=<srcpkg>-<version> HEAD
3) lxc launch -e <ubuntu:release|ubuntu-daily:release> <containername>
4) lxc exec <containername> -- apt-get update
5) lxc exec <containername> -- apt-get install devscripts equivs
6) lxc file push /tmp/<tarball> <containername>/tmp/
7) containertmp = lxc exec <containername> -- mktemp -d
8) copy orig tarball(s) to container
9) lxc exec <containername> -- tar zxCf <containertmp> /tmp/<tarball>
10) lxc exec <containername> -- sh -c "cd <containertmp>/<srcpkg>-<version> && mk-build-deps -i -r debian/control && dpkg-buildpackage"
11) presuming success of 10), lxc file pull <containername> <containertmp>/*.{changes,dsc,deb} ../