Comment 4 for bug 493639

Revision history for this message
Jiri Dvorak (jiri-dvorak) wrote :

Adding ACTIVITY_MESUREMENTS.MESUREMENT_NOTE_ID will work, as long as you'll allow only one note per value (Many-to-One relationship).

If the system allows multiple notes per value, then you need either a cross-reference table (Many-to-Many relationship), or a mechanism that will:
(1) check for unique usage (=more than 1 ACTIVITY_MEASUREMENTS records referring to the same NOTE.ID)
(2) concatenate all notes into a "composite string"

Another option, as implied in my earlier note, is to link notes to a combination of dimension values - instead of linking it to ACTIVITY_MEASUREMENTS, you would link it to "Country=Albania AND Year=2006 AND Indicator=XYZ". Having said that, this "dimensional" approach will become increasingly demanding for cubes with many dimensions (e.g. 5 or 6-dimensional cubes).