Comment 0 for bug 1076050

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x11tete11x (11tete11) wrote :

Hello, i have:

ufw 0.33-r1
kcm-ufw 0.4.3

when i run ufw enable:
ERROR: problem running ufw-init
iptables-restore: line 35 failed
ip6tables-restore: line 35 failed

Problem running '/etc/ufw/user/user.rules'
Problem running '/etc/ufw/user/user6.rules'

then i do ufw reset and again ufw enable:
ERROR: problem running ufw-init
iptables-restore: line 11 failed

Problem running '/etc/ufw/user/user.rules'

also i have a strage problem with frontend kcm-ufw, because i cant set "enable" when i just go back and go in again always show "disable", so i do eselect python set 1 (to choose python 2) and it works relatively good (because it says that it's working but ufw daemon just dont work)

any suggest?

Im on Gentoo. Sorry i speak little english, thx!