Comment 83 for bug 124406

Revision history for this message
Derek (bugs-m8y) wrote : Re: Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy)

Cruncher, Richard, you're right. I was describing a reproduction.
I first noticed it in Spring when playing a unit in first-person mode.
I'd be holding down the arrow key to move it, while rapidly clicking the left mouse button to fire the unit weapons.
The arrow key would then lock, until I killed off my X session or turned off keyboard repeat.

After that, I discovered by simply holding down a key (with default keyboard repeat, which is reasonably fast) while repeatedly clicking the mouse, I was able to reproduce.
I do have both a usb keyboard and mouse. Perhaps it is related. Who knows, perhaps is also related to what addresses the USB devices are on. *shrug*

Perhaps this bug is covering a few related phenomenon.