Comment 49 for bug 124406

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no_treble (no-treble) wrote : Re: Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy)

xset r rate 1000 50 doesn't work for me either. The shift key just got stuck again, and I had to close all applications (including a vmware machine, will a vpn connection and lots of applications open as well), then restart X to clear. No special X graphical madness installed... just straight X. This is ridiculous.

I've experienced this in some form or another for several years now. I think it's related to X in some way (, but this version of Ubuntu (7.04) is much worse than usual.

Ubuntu Maintainers: If this is a known issue at Canonical, can someone paste a link to the main bug report, either for Ubuntu or upstream (if it's known)? It would be nice to get in on the "official" discussion, as this thread doesn't seem to be assigned to anyone.
