Comment 307 for bug 124406

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james_mcl (james-d-mclaughlin-googlemail) wrote :

Daniel - where you say that you can press any key to release the stuck one - over the years the bug's behaviour has varied, in some versions of Ubuntu I've been able to stop the repeting keypress by pressing another key, in others not. At the moment I usually seem to be able to stop it by pressing another key several times until it's recognised - so I THINK that the bug has at least become less severe at some point between Intrepid and Maverick.

Like Marius says, it is true that nobody knows how many underlying bugs are causing this and where they lie - I should have asked Bryce what to file this as a bug in; however going by his comment #285 I assumed xorg.

Daniel, could you specify whether your external keyboard is PS/2, USB, or something else? Somebody on Ubuntu Forums directed me to a discussion thread where users of high-end Windows machines were experiencing it on PS/2 keyboards - one person blaming this on their having hardware running faster than PS/2 was designed for. Probably not an accurate description of most people's situation, but it does suggest that knowing the type of any external keyboard tried might be relevant.

I'll be installing Natty today, so either today or tomorrow I should be able to say whether that fixed it for me or not.