Comment 301 for bug 124406

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james_mcl (james-d-mclaughlin-googlemail) wrote :

This is a two-part reply to Bryce Harrington's comment #294.

1.) I really have to take issue with your statement that "it's a minor annoyance (rather than an X lockup or crash)". When the key that gets stuck is "Delete", for instance, this has the potential to wipe out entire directories, and the consequences when the key in question is Enter are utterly unpredictable. Furthermore, for instances of the bug when subsequent key presses/releases are ignored and the key remains stuck, the result - a reboot and loss of unsaved data - is preceisely what would occur if X locked up or crashed.

2.) You ask people "to file *new* bugs and be very specific about the issue (with exact steps to reproduce, up to date logs, etc.)". Would it be sufficient to run

ubuntu-bug xorg

referencing bug 124406, and then

apport-collect (number of new bug)

or is there any more information you would need that would not be supplied by this? (if so, please specify what this would be.)


James McLaughlin.