Comment 164 for bug 124406

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Franzmaximilian (davini) wrote : Re: Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat (Feisty, Gutsy)

I add my experience to the (unfortunately) long list of users affected by this nasty "sticky key" problem.
I have exactly the same behaviour on two different machines, a laptop and a desktop of different ages, with different keyboards and mouses. I can't remember if the problem was already there on Kubuntu 7.06, but surely it was on 7.10 and is now on 8.04
On both a stuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk (hey! it really happened just now) key remains stuck until I press another key. If I don't, the key entry is repeated around 15-20 times, then it stops. The mouses too have strange behaviours which I first thought was due to the table surface, but trying different pads or borrowing a different mouse din't change anything. I'm now using Compiz Fusion on my laptop, but it happened before too.
Both my computers have a nvidia video card. Also, i can't find any relation with system load: it happens even while using Kate as the only open program.
Please do something for I'm seriously tempted to move to some other distribution.......